Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Chez Shea

My biggest accomplishment this week was finally getting to attend the Vancouver Modern Quilt Guild meeting - so fun! I have to say, the show and tell was dominated by a lot of ridiculously talented quilters. Seriously, people were pulling out two, three or more quilts of amazing quality. I felt like a serious underachiever with only one (not even a quilt!) item! Just kidding, I was thrilled to be able to show my cathedral windows pillow, all sewn up.

Now it is living on my sewing chair, to keep it away from my crayola-graffiti lovin' children. I think I probably have another cathedral window project in me, but I will never be making a full quilt out of them!

Work continued on the pirate quilt:

I'm kind of making it up as I go along, but my son wanted his name on it, so I paper pieced that this weekend. (And now you know part of the origin of my blog name - Chez rhymes with Shea!) Hopefully this top will grow some more over the next week.

I also made a couple of these Orla Kiely inspired scrappy sprout blocks for Traceyjay.

This week there is a great blog hop going on featuring Canadian quilters, Blogathon Canada


Linking up with WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced and Plum & June's Monday link up.

Thanks for visiting y'all!



  1. Love love love that Pirate Ship!

    & your cathedral windows cushion is awesome! I don't think I would want them any bigger than that either! lol Great job!

  2. I love your pillow! The contrast highlights the beautiful colors perfectly! I'm also amazed at your paper piecing. All your projects are inspiring!

  3. The cushion is stunning and the love the sprout block which I haven't seen before. I have to make my son a dinosaur quilt - your pirate one looks huge fun.

  4. The cushion is amazing Yzo! And the pirate ship quilt just gets better and better.

  5. That cushion is so so gorgeous!! Love the sprout blocks too, fab fabric choices.

  6. You misspelled the name on the ship quilt top: it is M A R L A. I want a pirate ship and shark (pouting)

  7. Your cathedral window is absolutely gorgeous!!! Love seeing the pirate ship progress and the scrappy sprout blocks looks fabulous!!

  8. I *love* your pirate ship project!

  9. Oooo your cathedral windows pillow looks perfect! I also super love your sprout block :)

  10. The Pirate Quilt is looking really good, but that Cathedral Windows cushion is stunning!

  11. Your cathedral window looks great. Here at the Sacramento Modern Quilt guild we are lucky to see one finish a month from most of our members. You all must have a lot of talent with your group :)

  12. I love both your projects. I've always been a fan of cathedral windows but haven't made very many. I just love your pirate sea quilt. I'm sure your son will adore it!

  13. I visited a guild meeting a few weeks back that was like that! All sorts of crazy finishes, and I was stunned at the amazing quality. So lovely!

  14. That cushion is even more stunning in person. This week's VMQG was really over the top with all kinds of incredible finishes. So fun!

    1. p.s. thanks for the reminder on those sprout blocks. I had forgotten that I'd promised a couple to Tracey!

  15. The pirate quilt is looking great!

  16. Love the pirate quilt! What a great idea. And it doesn't at all look like you're "making it up as you go along"

  17. love your pillow! the pirate quilt is fabulous, can't wait to see what comes next, and Traceyjay is getting a fabulous block!

    SO nice to see you at the meeting - it was a great one!

  18. Oh my goodness the ship piecing is amazing! And the water too- so wonderful!

  19. i love the colors you choose for traceyjay's scrappy sprouts project!


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