
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Under a pile

This is what my sewing space/life looks like this week ... a bit of a mess. My littlest has been sick since saturday, so not much sleep happening around here. The table is piled with Madrona Road fabrics for MQG challenge, pattern pieces for the dining chair slipcovers still being drafted (does it seem like the simplest things take the longest??), and my ever-growing boxes of EPP for T-Hex (last seen here). Recently the thought of a velveteen backing for this crossed my mind, and spurred me on! I still don't think I have enough hexies basted to finish it, but I definitely have enough to make lots of progress.

As far as the FAL list goes, why is it that the "official" items suddenly become less interesting than the unofficial ones as soon as I make a list?!

Official list:
1. Pirate quilt - no progress
2. Madrona Road - pattern drawn (a foundation pattern based on the Single Girl, a la Red Poppy Quilts), now I'm having second thoughts
3. Princess and the Pea mini quilt - no progress
4. Japanese X and Plus blocks -  no progress

Unofficial list:
1. Dining chair slip covers - still drawing pattern
2. VMQG nametag - finished! (pic to come), but my husband had to work late so I didn't get to go the meeting :(
3. Baby quilt for upcoming niece/nephew - no progress
4. Appliqued baby onesies - no progress. Okay, these have been sitting on my desk for ages, and could it be any easier to sew a tiny applique on?

Not a very productive week, but I have been getting to spend lots of quality time with my baby girl <3

Linking up with WIP Wednesday.

Thanks for visiting!


  1. It is strange about the official v unofficial list thing - really hope the sickness is gone soon :-)

  2. Your hexies look so bright and cheerful! Hope you get rid of the lurgy soon and can get some sewing done.

  3. Those Hexies are just amazing! It's funny isn't it, as soon as you put something on the to do list, you always think of another new project you rather do more! I like the sound of the applique onesies, cute! And hey, quality time with your little ones is always great too. Get well soon little one!

  4. Sorry to hear your baby has been sick. The hexies look really good (that is a lot of hexies!) Good luch with both of your lists.

  5. Lovely boxes of hexies... you have wayyy more patience than I.

  6. I agree that the unofficial list is usually more exciting :) I love your hexies, I am a sucker for a pile of rainbow hexies!

  7. I love your hexies!!!!!!!!!!!! I love them!!!

  8. Your hexies are so pretty! Sorry about the sick kiddo, I've got sick kids over here and it's no fun. Hope you can make it to the next VMQG meeting!

  9. I love those hexies, they're gorgeous, but aren't they just so so much work! : )


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