
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

On Belay!

Yay, a WIP Wednesday post actually accomplished before 9pm Wednesday night! Things around here have been pretty busy -- this week was focused on my oldest son's birthday party. I am notorious for leaving the planning of these things to the last minute, but even so, this year we were fortunate enough to be able to book a rock climbing party at a local community centre. It turned out to be lots of fun for the kids, and relatively stress-free for me, so win-win :)

Here's the birthday boy, at the top of the wall.

And the siblings:

Everybody had a great time. For the goody bags, I stitched up some little backpacks based on this simple drawstring backpack tutorial.

We filled them with rock candy, pop rocks, "rock star" pencils, caribiner clips, trail mix ... see the theme? I tried to make the backpacks out of the stash: I already had the Ikea fabric, but I did end up buying the toggle clips to cinch the top of the bag closed, and the nylon ribbon for the straps, all in all though, not that much money, and there were only nine kids (and three of them were mine!) so it was pretty reasonable, and they got something that might have a bit of useful life beyond the party. Do you usually give out goody bags at birthday parties? It doesn't even seem to be a choice anymore - it is entirely expected around these parts.

Other than that, I have been plugging away at T-Hex. See? Last week:

This week:

This is approximately 1/4 of the finished size - I think this width is good for a throw quilt, and then the length will be about four times this. I plan to add a neutral border, maybe a grey, to make it a tiny bit larger.

I'm linking up with WIP Wednesday, and the Lets Get Acquainted Monday Linkup and I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone has been working in this week!

The Lets Get Acquainted blog hop is hopping into its last few weeks, here are the recent and upcoming blog posts:

Oct 2

Martha from Weekend Doings

Oct 4
Catherine from My Life in Binding
Patricia from Quilting Lines

Oct 9
Foster from Foster Reviews It

Oct 11
Chrissie from madebyChrissieD
Marit from Sew, love, live

Oct 16

Oct 18
Melissa from issa.ino: handmade
Julie from The Crafty Quilter

Oct 23
Tracey from The Peony Teacup
Megan from City Stitches

Oct 25
Kerstin from Sunset Sewing

Oct 30
Janice from better off thread

Thanks for visiting!!



  1. Wow, I love your hexie WIP. At the moment I am obsessed with rainbow quilts and yours is really amazing!

  2. Wow - T-Hex is stunning!!! Its already gorgeous, and it will be even better when its done.

  3. That's a whole lot of hexies and they look amazing!

  4. your hexies are just gorgeous. keep up the good work!

  5. Wow... I am in awe! I have a love/hate relationship with hexies - they look incredible, but I don't like sewing them, lol!

  6. Those hexies are ridiculous ( in a good way!!) - they are amazing!

  7. Completely breathtaking and totally inspiring!!

  8. Looks like your son had a fab time! I am completely in love with the Hexies, so colourful and fun. I just love EPP. I can't wait to see it finished!

  9. Love the T-Hex! WOW! what color!! Heading to check out the 'lets get acquainted Monday linkup' - looks interesting!

  10. The hexies WIP is growing so fast and becoming so beautiful!

  11. Great work, hexies are perfect, the name T-hex made me smile.

  12. Go T-hex, Go T-hex! Glad your son's party was a good time. It appears he tackled that wall like a boss.
    happy sewing!

  13. Your hexagons are beautiful! Hexagons are on my list to do someday.

  14. That's an absolutely gorgeous quilt! I never would have the patience.

  15. wow...your hexies are looking fabulous!! Can't wait to see more - it'll look awesome for sure!


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