
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Hello Wednesday! Uh, hello October.

Remember last week when Wednesday came right out of the blue and caught me off guard? Somehow it happened again - totally blind-sided! Not to mention October. Sneaky little October! My partner will be home for a week for Canadian Thanksgiving, and that is good because I am starting to feel a bit burnt out. Which may explain why I have been so lame about visiting and commenting on all y'all blogs. And scrubbing the washrooms.

I have been working on basting little hexies - it's a good mindless, zen activity for evenings when I feel like all I can do is crash on the couch and watch tv. Plus there is a small sense of accomplishment when you see the little pile of hexies at the end of the night. Hello, my pretties!

The crispness of fall is now in the air - Vancouver has had an amazing September and October is also starting out to be spectacular. True vancouverites know it is only a matter of time before the grey blanket of rain descends for the next 8-10 months, so these rare spell of sunny dryness are to be appreciated. The beautiful weather made me pick up some Malabrigo Rios and whip up a Honey Cowl. I wish I could say I put it on my Ravelry page, but I have not. Feel free to friend me if you're on Ravelry too!

The Honey cowl is a free pattern from Madeline Tosh. This is the second one that I have made and I just love the warm spongy texture of this stitch.

This colourway is Archangel. I am going to marry it.
I am almost finished quilting the little folks quilt, but I have been fighting with my walking foot. It starts off okay, but after a while it starts to get a little louder and then, although it looks to be working the same, it seems to stop pulling the top layer as effectively, and then the top layer seems to get pushed out of whack with the bottom and there is a little puckering. Does that ever happen to anyone else? Do you have any idea what I'm talking about?! I googled this and found some threads on Pattern Review about oiling your walking foot. Um, well I'm not going to try that right now, out of fear of getting oil on the quilt, but I might try it after I'm done with this quilt, and then it can sit and drip oil on some paper towel for a while. Has anyone else ever had to do this?
Linking up with WIP Wednesday.

Now I'm going to go write myself a reminder that Wednesday will be happening again in seven days. Thanks for visiting!



  1. Cute. I love all of your projects on this post. Love the cowl, you cannot go wrong with hexagons and the quilt looks great!

  2. Love all your projects! The Cowl is so pretty. I have also been working on Hexies this week.

  3. Wow you have been super busy. Your hexies are just gorgeous and that cowl is fabulous, what a wonderful colour. I know exactly what you mean about a blanket of grey. I don't think it has got light here for weeks - only another 6 months of dark.

  4. wow, your honey cowl is so pretty. i love the colors! in terms of the walking foot, i have gone through two in the past year. i didn't realize you could oil them, but my issue is that the pulling of the fabric would seem to stop and my stitches would get all bunched up... i deemed my walking foot "bad" and purchased another (a new foot for my machine was inexpensive).

  5. beautiful projects you've got there... love that honey cowl, the colour is simply gorgeous!

  6. Cripes! That cowl is amazing! I just made the Analia cowl ( with some Madeline Tosh yarn... but this Malabrigo looks wonderful. Might have to go buy some now... Good luck figuring out the walking foot. Never had that happen so sorry I can't help. It sounds like it might be a realignment issue. Happy Wednesday new ravelry friend!

  7. The hexies look fab, and the cowl is gorgeous, I love the yarn. Sorry I can't help with the walking foot, hope you get it working again though

  8. That cowl is gorgeous! The color is so nice and warm looking. Your quilt is beautiful as well. There is something so cozy and comforting about quilt with square blocks...they are my favorite kind! Good luck with the walking foot situation, I never knew we had to oil that too!

  9. hmmmm, it doesn't sound like the same thing, but i know that mine has lots of problems unless i tighten all the screws (including the screw on my needle shank) before i used my walking foot. maybe that would help?

  10. I love basting hexies - I think it's all those crisp corners and such a mindless activity! Enjoy time with your partner.

  11. Beautiful little hexies and I LOVE your quilt! Hope you figure out the puckering issue ... no fun! Thanks for linking up to wip Wednesday this last week, where I had the pleasure of guest-hosting!


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