
Wednesday, July 11, 2012


In preparation for our little vacation, and the packing up of my sewing room for the next month or so, I have snipping, snipping, snipping. Little hexies all waiting to be mated up with their papers and basted. I think this should be good work for the plane, all prepped, no more cutting necessary. That's not enough of course, I have also squirreled away a little (okay medium) bag of scraps to hexify should I run out ... I hear England is destined for a very rainy summer, so there may be more stitching and visiting than traveling and sight seeing.

Okay, now I'm off to try to finish a camera strap. I am also doodling plans for a passport/boarding pass holder - as if! Probably a little unrealistic at this point.

Have you been keeping up with the Let's Get Acquainted blog hop? There were two posts on paper piecing yesterday - and I am looking forward to seeing what tomorrow's posts bring:

July 10

Jenelle from Echinops and Aster

Julie from Bedsheet in the Kitchen

July 12

Rebecca from Sew Festive Handmade

Marti from 52 Quilts in 52 Weeks

And check out Beth's blog for giveaways, blog hop link up, and inspirational advice!

I'm linking up with WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced.

Thanks for visiting!



  1. Great work so far! I am hoping to do some EPP on the plane when I go away at Christmas, was unsure if I would be allowed to take a needle in hand luggage though and scissors will be out of the question! How are you going to get round this??

    So you're coming to England? Bring a? mac! Are you coming for the Olympics? x

  2. Ooh they are going to be just gorgeous. Just got back from UK, weather pretty rainy but was still warm. I got a needle through in hand luggage. I didn't take scissors but there was a sign at Heathrow allowing scissors with blades under a certain size so you might be ok.

  3. I am the same way when I travel! I had to make sure I have "enough" projects to work on in case I finish everything! Have a great trip, and I hope you get to sew as much as you can!

  4. Now that's al lot of hexies - it will keep you busy on the plane ;-)


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