
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

White Rabbits!

Ok - post title is because of Rachel-Lou at Made With Whimsy - I read her post this morning, and remembered that I used to start every month with "White Rabbits!" I had forgotten all about it!

Since it is the beginning of the month, I'm linking up with Lily's Quilts Fresh Sewing Day

Lily's Quilts

Here's what I managed to accomplish this month. It is more than I usually manage to get done, with three children pretty much ruling the roost around here, so I'm happy! (And I also figured out how to make a flickr mosaic, yay!)


The first is technically not finished, just a completed 24" block for my son's pirate quilt. I see there is not a lot of quilting happening these days, but many bags! And I haven't blogged the Swiss Miss Hand Warmers yet.I'm linking up with the Small Blog Meet again this month.

Lily's Quilts

If you came here via Lily's Quilts, then I look forward to visiting your site - just leave a comment! I have already found so many great blogs.

I'm also just discovered Monika's links for Canadian blogs, so I'm linking up there too (discovered thru fellow Vancouverite Felicity Quilts -- she is an awesome quilter if you want to go check out her blog!)

Thanks for visiting!



  1. Hi! Coming over here to visit from Lily's Quilts. I'm very impressed by the pirate ship! That kind of pattern is intimidating to a beginner like me! I'm looking forward to reading your posts :-)


  2. That ship block is sooo cute! Where did you get the pattern? I'm always on the look-out for great PP patterns.

  3. Love your ship block - wow! Are those Swiss flags the hand warmers? Cool!

  4. impressive work with three little kids about! Great pirate ship, and I can't wait to hear about the hand warmers!

  5. The pirate quilt will be so amazing and well loved I'm sure!

  6. You have some cute things happening here.

  7. So glad to meet you in blogland, you make nice things and kids! ;-)

  8. Glad you joined up with the Needle and Thread network! I will be keeping track so I can follow your progress on the pirate quilt! I really like the bags that you posted, is that a purchased pattern you used or might it be a free one on the internet? The shape looks to be just my style!

  9. Lots of lovely work:) I really like the idea of a pirate quilt. Hope you show the finished quilt.


I really appreciate people taking the time to comment, and try to reply via email to everyone.